You own a property in
Nice West and you want to have it estimated. But which real estate agency should you turn to for the most accurate estimate? Discover all the reasons to trust the Beaux Arts agency in Nice.
Estimating the value of your property accurately
Finding the right partner for an accurate estimate
Buying or selling a house or an apartment remains a significant financial commitment that cannot be left to chance. Thanks to their expertise and their thorough knowledge of the local real estate market in Nice, your real estate agency Beaux Arts in Nice is the ideal partner for a reliable estimate of your property.
The reasons for valuating a property are numerous:
● selling;
● other real estate purchase;
● inheritance;
● divorce;
● sharing;
● ISF declaration;
● etc.
For an optimal real estate estimate, our advisors rely on the actual selling prices of similar properties to yours to determine the precise value of your place of residence.
Based on the specific properties of your property
To estimate the value of your apartment or house in Nice, our analysis takes into account the specific characteristics of your property:
● the type of property (apartment, house, land, parking, villa, shop, etc.);
● the number of rooms;
● the living area;
● the exposure;
● the location and precise address (environment, neighborhood, etc.);
● etc.
Other specifics may be requested to refine our calculation: does your property have any defects? Are there any works to be considered? Or conversely, does it have nice amenities like a large terrace or a pool?
Whether it is a one-room apartment of 30 square meters, land or a villa with an irresistible view of the sea, our advisors will do everything possible to estimate your property accurately! Beaux Arts in Nice, real estate expert in Nice West
In love with the emblematic city of the French Riviera, our real estate agency is ideally located in the heart of the city, between the Museum of Fine Arts and the Promenade des Anglais. With a sharp knowledge of Nice's real estate market, our real estate agency in Nice specializes in real estate in the West and Center neighborhoods of the Nice area.
The attractiveness of Nice West
Naturally bordered by the Mediterranean Sea and the Var River, "Nice West" extends from the Magnan district, which is in full expansion, to the Lingostière district, passing through the more residential Fabron district. Between hills and urbanized areas, this Niçois region is popular for its quality of life.
Is your property located on the seafront, facing the Mediterranean, in the heart of Nice, or rather inland? Don't hesitate any longer and request the real estate expertise of your property now!